Podcast about Reading Curriculum

How do we help children (or adults) who struggle with reading? An assessment by a skilled Licensed Educational Psychologist can shed light on what is going on with their reading, and what to do about it. Additionally, whether someone has dyslexia, a reading disorder, or she/he is just slow to to develop reading skills, there are lots of approaches and curriculum out there that claim to be science-based. Some approaches are better than others. If you are interested in learning about some of the pitfalls many well-meaning parents, schools, and districts, have fallen to over the years, in selecting some of the wrong curriculum, there is an interesting podcast called “Sold a Story.” If you listen to it, you will have a better idea of the types of curriculum and interventions which tend to be more effective at helping a struggling reader, and which approaches to avoid. This podcast was featured in a journal article in the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP). Currently there are 10 episodes in the podcast, and they are guaranteed to keep you interested/shocked.

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